Caliber machine gun of 7.62:

 Caliber machine gun of 7.62:


Machine gun caliber 7.62 is used as a weapon coaxial with the defender's main tank the U.S. This is a gun with a high confidence with a number of shots between faults 26 000 rounds of ammunition, is the rate it one of the less guns that are experienced disruptions
produce this gun samples of a different suit to work with different types of mechanisms

- Country of origin: United States of America special license from Belgium- Use: Medium machine gun used Kmadf secondary to many tanks and armored vehicles and suitable for the use of infantry forces- States used: more than 20 countries in the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and India

General and technical specifications

- Caliber: 7.62 mm- The type of ammunition: NATO- The type of bolt block: rotary- Length: 1260 mm- Length of barrel: 545 mm- Barrel diameter: 7.62 mm- Weight with stand two legs: 10,850 g- Weight with stand three legs: 21000 g- Rate of fire: 600 rounds theoretical / min- Nutrition bullets: tapeProcessing ammunition: Capacity Fund 600, 1200 rounds- Alvohih ejected speed: 840 m / s- Indicative extent of shots: 900 m- Maximum range: 3725 m